7A Cells Lateral Thinking Answers

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Here are 5 lateral thinking puzzles for children on the theme of biological cells, complete with answers:

Puzzle 1: The Invisible Doorman

In a bustling microscopic city, there’s a doorman who lets some visitors in but turns others away. Strangely, this doorman can be solid or liquid, and sometimes even both at the same time. What is this mysterious doorman?

Answer: The cell membrane

Puzzle 2: The Endless Copier

There’s a machine that can make perfect copies of itself. Each copy can also make copies, and so on. But if the copies keep multiplying forever, why doesn’t the whole world become filled with these machines?

Answer: Cells (through cell division)

Puzzle 3: The Shapeshifting Worker

In a tiny factory, there’s a worker who can change their shape to do many different jobs. Sometimes they’re long and stringy, other times they’re folded into complex shapes. They can be builders, transporters, or even security guards. What kind of worker is this?

Answer: Proteins

Puzzle 4: The Living Blueprint

There’s a set of instructions so important that every room in the microscopic city has a copy. But here’s the strange part: the instructions are written in a language that uses only four letters. How can such complex information be written with so few characters?

Answer: DNA

Puzzle 5: The Sacrificial Guardians

In this tiny world, there are brave guardians who protect the city by sacrificing themselves. When danger approaches, they rush to surround it, even if it means they’ll be destroyed in the process. Surprisingly, their sacrifice actually makes the city stronger. What are these guardians?

Answer: White blood cells (specifically, neutrophils engaging in NETosis)